Friday, March 6, 2020

Should schools be spending the Pupil Premium funding on Private Tuition

Should schools be spending the Pupil Premium funding on Private Tuition The Pupil Premium is funding given to state schools in England to help improve the results of disadvantaged youngsters - those eligible for free school meals. Pupil premium funding has provided 6bn support for poorer pupils between 2011 and 2015. A new report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) argues that there is some evidence that the achievement gap between rich and poor youngsters has started to narrow since the introduction of the Pupil Premium in 2011. Sir Kevan Collins, chief executive of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), said: There is no doubt that the Pupil Premium has enabled schools to do more to improve the outcomes of their less advantaged pupils. Many schools have put the funding to effective use by gaining a deep understanding of their students and developing a tailored and personalised approach to help students succeed in their academic abilities.Schools are free to spend their pupil premium as they wish, and the Department for Education's website state that one-to-one tuition has been found to improve the attainment of struggling students. Headteachers have asked First Tutors if our Tutors would run lunchtime classes in subjects their schools did not offer, such as Mandarin and Latin. Have you been recruited by a School to help with one-to-one private tuition? Do you believe the Pupil Premium has stimulated more demand for tuition work? If you are a School looking for a Private Tutor as part of the Pupil Premium Fund, we welcome you to Register Here.First Tutors can help you find Private Tutors to help your child/student progresses from primary school to secondary exams and right through to university.

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